Especially books.
Publishers have taken to Facebook (and now, Pinterest) to promote titles by interacting with potential readers. They offer 'freebies' and podcasts and author appearances at reading group gatherings. Major publishers are great advocates of 'newbie' authors who have published their first book, or have changed genres.
But nothing can promote a book faster than word-of-mouth. I do it all the time, via Facebook, Twitter, Book Hog, and (my favorite) while I'm browsing in a bookstore (my old bookselling skills are alive and well).
And it was through Facebook that I learned about one of the most intriguing science fiction novels that I have ever read. 'Wool', by Hugh Howey, is (for want of a better word) unputdownable. I was told that I would need at least a day or two to read it, but I found myself reluctant to see it end. Whoever edited the story did a brilliant job; someone's diamond eye was focused on the details, and for that, I am very grateful.

Everyone in the silo knows what will happen, but they keep quiet, afraid that they might be the next sent outside. But there are a few people who question the laws made to protect them. One in particular, Juliette, a brilliant mechanic who has lived and worked near the bottom tiers of the silo almost all her life, is one of those who questions, and isn't afraid to find the answers. And she is brilliant. But what she discovers is one of the cruelest jokes of all.
This is not a typical science fiction novel. And neither is there a sense of claustrophobia. It is written with love for the characters, and the dialogue is short and sweet. 'Wool' is action-packed; I feverishly turned the pages and discovered dark secrets and lies right along with the beautifully-realized characters. Surprises abound, tears were shed.
Believe me, this is an instant classic.
And I can't say enough about it. Read 'Wool' and send the author your response.
We need to encourage this man to continue with his most brilliant career.
*Thank you, Angie, for your most brilliant recommend!
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