But I don't mean 'crazy' insane. I mean 'genius' insane. The kind of insanity that can only be channeled through a great story written with great sarcasm.
Most of you know that I'm a big fan of Lisa's 'Spellman' series, mystery novels that make me (almost) pee my pants from laughing so hard. Her dialogue is witty, sarcastic, scathing. The Spellman family dynamic is not like any other. Trust me on this one; read the books. You'll be glad you live with a more normal family. But the Spellmans are exciting. They are vengeful. They are hilarious. And they are unique.
While reading the fifth book in the series, 'Trail of the Spellmans', I heard a rumor that that book would be the final one. That made me so sad that I tried to send a note to Lisa, lamenting the fact that my world would crumble around me without my Spellman fix. Alas, I didn't get a reply, but I'm sure she heard from many other Spellman fans.
And she took action, for which I'm so grateful. With the sixth book in the series set for publication in early July, Lisa has not lost her touch. Her main protagonist, Isabel Spellman, is as sassy as ever. Her younger sister, Rae, is still a conniving little....well, fill in the blank. Her parents are still a bit odd and hilarious, and brother David has given up his high-scale lawyer life to become a stay-at-home father. But the story has a new addition: Sydney, David and Maggie's daughter. She's feisty and spoiled, brainwashed by Grammy Spellman, the grandmother from Hell.

If you haven't read the Spellman series yet, do so! They are hilarious, and I guarantee you'll laugh right up to the end of the story. The characters are so brilliantly drawn that I can imagine having them as neighbors...
...and taking out a restraining order.
The sixth book in Lisa Lutz's hilarious 'Spellman' series, 'The Last Word', will be published in early July 2013 by Simon & Schuster. I suggest you read it...or I will send Izzy's little sister, Rae, to your home. You've been warned.
Miss Jacki, I am a HUGEEEEEE fan of the Spellman books. I have not only read each one, but encouraged my children to do so, plus given the books as gifts to friends. I am delighted to hear a new one is coming out. Please DO send Rae over anyway. I will stock up on candy and just sit back and watch that whirlwind blow through.
Rae is so grown up in this new one, but she's still the same. In fact, she's worse. lol
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