Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014...

Although I was going to post a book review, I felt that the time was right to kick 2014's ass.

It's been a tragic year for this Book Hog. The loss of two lives has been a constant reminder that everything I hold dear will not last forever.  It was a wake-up call.  A call to go out and smell the roses.  A call to get off my butt and work on my own stories.  But, most of all, a call to keep reading and discovering authors who have the guts to put something out into the world and weather any criticism...and find joy and acceptance in positive reviews.  

I've enjoyed my year of reading.  There are so many books that have claimed my heart and mind.  On the other hand, there are some that didn't really grab me.  A few in particular *cough* The Goldfinch *cough* Fifty Shades of Gray *cough* didn't hold my interest, no matter how many times I tried to get into them. But then there were the surprises.  The stories that surprised me with their brilliant research, their simplicity.  Their originality.

Books have been my salvation this year, and I hope they keep providing salvation to you, too.  Without you, dear reader, there would be no stories to lift our souls, to make us consider, to help us find our better selves.

As most of you know, I'm a huge advocate for independent bookstores.  And I love libraries. They are our last best hope for this book-hungry world.  Sure, some of you love e-books, but there is a large percentage of us who savor a real book.  But words are words, no matter where and how we read them.  And, I must add, there are some sensational self-published stories out there.  John Grisham?  He was a self-published author.  And Hugh Howey, author of the phenomenal book, 'Wool'?  Yup...self-published.  Give them your time.  You won't be sorry.  You could provide the 'step up' that that writer needs to keep going.  And who knows? That author just might write a story that could change the world.  Remember someone by the name of J.K. Rowling?  Well, there you go...

Just read.  Give new authors your attention.  Respond to them; let them know if you have enjoyed their tales.  Write to the publishers and give them your sincere opinion.  And, please, for the sake of all that is good and holy, don't be an ass and post hurtful reviews.

Read for the joy.  For the excitement.  For the chance to leave the tragedies of this world behind for just a little while.  Cuddle up on the couch with a book, a cup of tea, and your favorite animal friend.  Turn off the television and get off your phone.


Book Hog isn't sad to see 2014 leave.

But I am very excited to see just what new tales are brought to us in 2015.

And you can be sure that my fellow book bloggers, librarians, and I will keep you informed!

Happy New Year!!!

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