Saturday, October 29, 2011

'The Book of Lost Fragrances'

M. J. Rose has written a series of mystery/thrillers which captured my interest the moment I opened the first book.  In her new novel, due out in March 2012, she didn't disappoint.

'The Book of Lost Fragrances', the fourth in the series, which includes 'The Reincarnationist', 'The Memorist', and 'The Hypnotist', not only follows the author's familiar path into reincarnation, but also gave this reader a deeper understanding of the history of perfume.  Some might think of contemporary scents linked to famous singers and actresses, but the making of perfume stretches back in time for thousands of years.  Usually used in religious and death rites, perfume was also used in magical ceremonies.  In fact, Cleopatra had a perfume factory which had been built for her by Marc Antony.

'The Book of Lost Fragrances' revolves around the search for some ancient pottery shards that, upon smelling, might evoke memories of past lives.  Several people are searching for it, are willing to kill for it, but a clever brother and sister, scions of a once-famous French perfumery, have a higher purpose for the shards.  At once a tender, centuries-old love story, and a thrilling chase through Paris and it's catacombs, 'The Book of Lost Fragrances' is entertaining, although the scenes in the catacombs left me feeling a bit claustrophobic.  Some of the characters kept me guessing, and what happens to the shards made me want to cheer.  

Rich in history, and with a vivid cast of characters, I recommend this book if you're looking for a story full of adventure.  The well-documented research alone is worth it!

And learning something new will make your inner Book Hog very happy.

M. J. Rose is the founder of the marketing company for authors,

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